TIG summed up 2019 results on its activities


Project F quarry in July 2019 © Eduard Pederneyra

TIG summed up 2019 results on production and sales activities, safety, license obligation and investment programs compliance, and also shared with its forecast of the global coal market conditions.

TIG reported on implementation of the company’s annual production plan – 750 k/t coal on “Project F”. It is notably, that in the 4th Quarter of 2019 “Beringpromugol” produced 288 k/t of coal – a third of the total annual plan production. Such figures are the result of the TIG’s strategy for the intensification of coal operations on the quarry. Investments into the large quarry equipment (dump trucks, bulldozers, excavators and loaders) and road infrastructure led to a significant monthly increase in production.

Company shipped 581 k/t of coal to the international and domestic markets during 2019 navigation season, which is 50% higher than last year. “Port Ugolny” processed 12 bulkers, four of which were loaded with coking coal of 9.5% of ash content. China, Japan and Taiwan became the main consumers of Chukotka coal. In total, 11 barges were operating in the harbor loading, including “Arinay” and “Keliney” with a lifting capacity of 500 tons. About 30 k/t of coal were sold for the internal needs of Chukotka.

Significant capital investments were directed towards improving the road conditions from the mine to the port – Company installed the culverts that would prevent erosion of the roadbed in the Springtime during active snow thawing.

TIG continued reconstruction activities on its port in the Ugolnaya Bay. The Company approved the technical requirements and signed the agreement with the engineering company for the Beringovsky port reconstructions. It helps to reach the project capacity for coal transshipment up to 2 million tons per year.

In 2019, the company supported several social projects of the regional public organization “Association of indigenous small-numbered peoples of Chukotka” and invested over 5 million rubles.