Our mission is to contribute to satisfying the energy-related needs of society by producing coal in compliance with all safety requirements and principles of sustainable development, considering the interests of all parties.
In 2017 and 2018, the company exported 337 thousand tonnes of coking and 221 thousand tonnes of thermal coal for metallurgical groups in the Asia-Pacific Region. The city of Beringovsky and Beringovsky Port — the place where the Chukotka locals and TIG employees live and work — received trial 130 thousand tonnes of thermal coal for satisfying heating needs.
Coal is essential for the humankind — over 40% of the world’s electric power is produced by coal. In some countries, coal remains the only available means for illumination, heating, proper hygiene, health and education. The society cannot function without coal efficiently.
Environment responsibility
Our task is to produce coal safely and minimise the negative impact on the environment.
Our corporate social policy is based on international principles and standards, including the UN Global Compact, the Russian Business Social Charter, ISO 26000 Standard (Guidance on Social Responsibility) and GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) recommendations.

In November 2018, TIG signed the Agreement of Cooperation with the Regional Public Organization «Association of Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of Chukotka» (ROO «AKMNCh») to promote the sustainable development of indigenous peoples of Chukotka.
LLC «Beringpromugol» understands the anthropogenic impact of its activities on the environment and the environmental risks associated with open-pit coal mining. Therefore environmental protection investments are the integral part of the TIG's policy.
In autumn 2018, the Company engaged scientists of the Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems of the Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences to investigate the area near the city of Beringovsky, the waters of the Ugolnaya Bay and local rivers.