
LLC “Beringpromugol” is the Russian subsidiary of TIG.

LCC “Beringpromugol” was founded.
Company was granted a license for the “Project F” of North Amaam coal basin in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
Exploration began in summer.
TIG announced that Beringpromugol produced its first batch of coal.

Port Ugolny, LLC, a Russian subsidiary of TIG, is responsible for berthing of foreign ships, weighing, and shipping of coal.

Amaam North: Project F

of exploration target

The coal formation at Amaam North is synclinal in structure with longitudinal and cross cutting faults, and shallow to moderate dips. TIG has estimated an Exploration Target of up to 370 Mt and has completed drilling programs which have a delineated JORC Resource at Project F, of 110.6 Mt. The Resource includes 22 Mt of Measured Resources, 55.7 Mt of Indicated (coking) Resources and 32.9 Mt of Inferred Resources.

In its work, LLC “Beringpromugol” adheres to the principles of social responsibility and investment into the human capital. An agreement for social and economic cooperation is in place for the region of operation. The company also runs charity and sponsorship projects.

Since August 2016, both LLC “Beringpromugol” and LLC "Port Ugolny” have been registered as the anchor residents of the Beringovsky Advanced Social and Economic Development Territory. Both companies are part of the TIG group.

226 kt of coal produced. 165 kt of coal sold: 123 kt of coking coal and 42 kt of thermal coal.
577 kt of coal produced. 393 kt of coal sold: 219 kt of coking coal and 179 kt of thermal coal. Company got first sale profit.


TIG announced the 1 000 000th ton of coal production!

750 kt of coal produced. 581 kt of coal sold: 193 kt of coking coal and 388 kt of thermal coal.
792 kt of coal produced. 760 kt of coal sold: 158 kt of coking coal and 602 kt of thermal coal.